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Script to Collect Data Guard Primary Site Diagnostic Information

Script to Collect Data Guard Primary Site Diagnostic Information [ID 241374.1]


Modified 20-APR-2011 Type SCRIPT Status PUBLISHED


This script is intended to provide an easy method to provide information
necessary to troubleshoot Data Guard issues.

Script Notes

This script is intended to be run via sqlplus as the SYS or Internal user.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Script begins here - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

-- NAME: dg_prim_diag.sql (Run on PRIMARY with a LOGICAL or PHYSICAL STANDBY)
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Copyright 2002, Oracle Corporation
-- LAST UPDATED: 2/23/04
-- Usage: @dg_prim_diag
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- This script is to be used to assist in collection information to help
-- troubeshoot Data Guard issues with an emphasis on Logical Standby.
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- This script is provided for educational purposes only. It is NOT
-- supported by Oracle World Wide Technical Support.
-- The script has been tested and appears to work as intended.
-- You should always run new scripts on a test instance initially.
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Script output is as follows:

set echo off
set feedback off
column timecol new_value timestamp
column spool_extension new_value suffix
select to_char(sysdate,'Mondd_hhmi') timecol,
'.out' spool_extension from sys.dual;
column output new_value dbname
select value || '_' output
from v$parameter where name = 'db_name';
spool dg_prim_diag_&&dbname&×tamp&&suffix
set linesize 79
set pagesize 35
set trim on
set trims on
alter session set nls_date_format = 'MON-DD-YYYY HH24:MI:SS';
set feedback on
select to_char(sysdate) time from dual;

set echo on

-- In the following the database_role should be primary as that is what
-- this script is intended to be run on. If protection_level is different
-- than protection_mode then for some reason the mode listed in
-- protection_mode experienced a need to downgrade. Once the error
-- condition has been corrected the protection_level should match the
-- protection_mode after the next log switch.

column role format a7 tru
column name format a10 wrap

select name,platform_id,database_role role,log_mode,
flashback_on flashback,protection_mode,protection_level
from v$database;

-- ARCHIVER can be (STOPPED | STARTED | FAILED). FAILED means that the
-- archiver failed to archive a log last time, but will try again within 5
-- switching is waiting for. Note that if ALTER SYSTEM SWITCH LOGFILE is
-- hung, but there is room in the current online redo log, then value is

column host_name format a20 tru
column version format a9 tru

select instance_name,host_name,version,archiver,log_switch_wait
from v$instance;

-- The following query give us information about catpatch.
-- This way we can tell if the procedure doesn't match the image.

select version, modified, status from dba_registry
where comp_id = 'CATPROC';

-- Force logging is not mandatory but is recommended. Supplemental
-- logging must be enabled if the standby associated with this primary is
-- a logical standby. During normal operations it is acceptable for

column force_logging format a13 tru
column remote_archive format a14 tru
column dataguard_broker format a16 tru

select force_logging,remote_archive,
from v$database;

-- This query produces a list of all archive destinations. It shows if
-- they are enabled, what process is servicing that destination, if the
-- destination is local or remote, and if remote what the current mount ID
-- is.

column destination format a35 wrap
column process format a7
column archiver format a8
column ID format 99
column mid format 99

select dest_id "ID",destination,status,target,
schedule,process,mountid mid
from v$archive_dest order by dest_id;

-- This select will give further detail on the destinations as to what
-- options have been set. Register indicates whether or not the archived
-- redo log is registered in the remote destination control file.

set numwidth 8
column ID format 99

select dest_id "ID",archiver,transmit_mode,affirm,async_blocks async,
net_timeout net_time,delay_mins delay,reopen_secs reopen,
from v$archive_dest order by dest_id;

-- The following select will show any errors that occured the last time
-- an attempt to archive to the destination was attempted. If ERROR is
-- blank and status is VALID then the archive completed correctly.

column error format a55 wrap

select dest_id,status,error from v$archive_dest;

-- The query below will determine if any error conditions have been
-- reached by querying the v$dataguard_status view (view only available in
-- 9.2.0 and above):

column message format a80

select message, timestamp
from v$dataguard_status
where severity in ('Error','Fatal')
order by timestamp;

-- The following query will determine the current sequence number
-- and the last sequence archived. If you are remotely archiving
-- using the LGWR process then the archived sequence should be one
-- higher than the current sequence. If remotely archiving using the
-- ARCH process then the archived sequence should be equal to the
-- current sequence. The applied sequence information is updated at
-- log switch time.

select ads.dest_id,max(sequence#) "Current Sequence",
max(log_sequence) "Last Archived"
from v$archived_log al, v$archive_dest ad, v$archive_dest_status ads
where ad.dest_id=al.dest_id
and al.dest_id=ads.dest_id
and al.resetlogs_change#=(select max(resetlogs_change#) from v$archived_log )
group by ads.dest_id;

-- The following select will attempt to gather as much information as
-- possible from the standby. SRLs are not supported with Logical Standby
-- until Version 10.1.

set numwidth 8
column ID format 99
column "SRLs" format 99
column Active format 99

select dest_id id,database_mode db_mode,recovery_mode,
protection_mode,standby_logfile_count "SRLs",
standby_logfile_active ACTIVE,
from v$archive_dest_status;

-- Query v$managed_standby to see the status of processes involved in
-- the shipping redo on this system. Does not include processes needed to
-- apply redo.

select process,status,client_process,sequence#
from v$managed_standby;

-- The following query is run on the primary to see if SRL's have been
-- created in preparation for switchover.

select group#,sequence#,bytes from v$standby_log;

-- The above SRL's should match in number and in size with the ORL's
-- returned below:

select group#,thread#,sequence#,bytes,archived,status from v$log;

-- Non-default init parameters.

set numwidth 5
column name format a30 tru
column value format a48 wra
select name, value
from v$parameter
where isdefault = 'FALSE';

spool off

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Script ends here - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


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